Monday, October 2

The other day while I was reading an article titled DIY Awareness from online yoga journal I came across this quote...

"With all of our differences of personality and history, we both share consciousness. At the most fundamental level, the level of awareness, we are one."

In a simpler manner,

"Like me, this person seeks happiness. This person too feels pain." The more you can identify yourself with awareness, and recognize the awareness in the other person, the more deeply you will feel kinship.

Then it tells you to bring to mind,

Someone about whom you feel neutral, and have the same recognition: that there is one consciousness in both of you. Bring to mind someone you dislike, perhaps someone you regard as an enemy, or a public figure you hold in low esteem. Remind yourself, "Different as we may be, the same consciousness dwells in that person as in me. On the level of awareness, we are one."

One energy flows through everything in the universe. With that in mind, look around and say to yourself, "All
that I see, all that I touch, all that I imagine, is made of one single conscious energy."

Can you imagine a world with everybody having that same belief we are all one. Do you think one day humanity can reach that level, with all what’s happening in Iraq, Africa etc...

It’s much better than carrying so much hate and anger just sucks so much energy. I was thinking maybe it can start with me and you…I know I know there are so many people out there who are sarcastic and bitter…but you bitter person maybe you can try for a few minutes and before you start breath in deeply:)

Thank you and good luck


Khargoush said...

About carrying to much hate and anger, it does suck to much energy and it dosn't take you anywhere but to stressfull land, which sucks, so I believe in forgiveness, it does take you to happy land :)

Q8tyinAmman said...

Khargoush...thanks for feedback & goodluck with the forgivness part..I for one didnt benifit from too much anger & you were around to witness..and again I am happy that you have your own space now even if its small but its a step:)

Khargoush said...

thanks love

Alia said...

You have such peaceful thoughts
is tha the baby influance?

White Wings said...

I am on board, but you know, if humanity reaches unity, then it will be the end of the world as we know it and the beginning a more heavenly form of life, then we all will be bored, woudn't you say? :)
I am with you in your "peaceful thoughts" as Alia words it, may you always find harmony within..

ValenciaLover said...

Off topic
I miss seeing you pregnant
you look gorgeous with your baby inside